ClimaCode 1, 2 eller 3?
Assos inddeler deres beklædning i ”Clima Codes”.
ClimaCode 1/3 Summer er serien til dansk sommer. Over 20 grader.
ClimaCode 2/3 Spring-Fall er Perfekt serie til det danske vejr. 12-22 grader.
ClimaCode 3/3 Winter (ClimaCode 3.3) er til hård dansk vinter! Under 14 grader og langt ned i minus. I ClimaCode 3/3 serien findes desuden Ultraz serien.. Hvis det skal være ekstra varmt.
Denne varer tilhører den ClimaCode som Assos kalder 1.3 summer
Engelsk Producent Beskrivelse
A classic cycling cap with premium embellishments—the intersection of tradition and innovation.
A three-season classic, the venerable cycling cap is never out of style—of course, that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved with functional innovation. We updated the standard, replacing old-school cotton construction with materials and features that aggressively manage moisture and actively, rapidly cool. We finished the cap with the most classic of classic of looks: a contrasting center stripe. Some traditions are above innovation.